CROCUS – Day Three

Canada is huge! We started the day in Regina, cleaning up and saying goodbye to our home of two days, and went on a tour of the Saskatchewan Legislature building. It is, architecturally, a beautiful building. Saskatchewan joined Canada the same year as Alberta did – 1905. The building was constructed shortly after, and has materials sourced from around the world (including marble from 34 different sources). The wooden carvings throughout were completed over four years by a 17 year old Scottish lad and his 3 assistants. The building also houses some beautiful art works, including the five Speakers of the House from the original Northwest Territories and many Chiefs of the Indigenous nations of Saskatchewan. After our tour, we headed out for Winnipeg. Similar to our drive from Calgary to Regina, we passed by many miles of flat landscapes. Lots of fields of crops, including corn, wheat, potatoes, among other things. We stopped for a picnic lunch in Virden, just acrosss the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border, and the again for a leg stretch in Portage la Prairie, where we visited the World’s Largest Coca-Cola Can! We had a quick dinner, and then were to go to the Museum of Human Rights, only to find it was closed for a private function, so instead we headed to The Forks for a bit of shopping. We are now at our hotel for the evening, showers taken, and off to bed. Until tomorrow.


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