CROCUS – Day Two

Our full day in Regina was a busy one! We had breakfast at the Guide Centre, then headed out to the Regina Science Centre. We explored their Weather exhibit, checked our strength, speed and balance at their hockey exhibit, played with bubbles, built things in the construction centre, and a number of other fun things. Then we headed to lunch at the Bannock House where we had lots of yummy choices. After lunch, we went to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum where we saw the largest T-Rex in the world, and the only T-Rex coprolites (fossilized poop), learned about the flora and fauna of all of Saskatchewan’s biomes, as well as a few other non-native ones, and walked through a history time-line of the Indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan with information on the creation of the treaties here. Then it was off to the RCMP Heritage Centre, where we learned all about the history and origins RCMP including the NWMP up to present day. We even got to play with a Police Dog! There were lots of hands on exhibits, including sitting in a Police Car and a driving simulation. The RCMP is celebrating 150 years of existence. And super cool was the Canadian Barbie who is a Mountie! After, we came back to the Guide Centre for a quick snack and to change our clothes and went swimming and on the water slides to cool off from the heat. Our former Guider, Karma and Sascha joined us, and then came back for dinner and a visit. We have now packed up and are getting ready to leave tomorrow morning, heading off to Winnipeg.


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