East Coast Encounter – Day Four

Hey people from home! 

Today we woke up after a long night on the ferry. We had muffins from Tim Hortons for breakfast while we waited to off-load the ferry, then we drove into town to pick-up lunch. We then went to Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Reserve where we walked along a path to a cliff to see many birds including Northern Gannets, Black-legged Kittiwake, and Common Murres. When we finished exploring we ate our lunch before heading to the Salmonier Nature Park which was a wildlife rescue sanctuary. We saw many animals including an owl, a fox, an eagle, and a moose! Then we made our way to the Newfoundland Girl Guide Provincial Headquarters to drop off our stuff and have a quick pizza dinner before heading down to the beach to meet up with another Pathfinder and Ranger unit to have a campfire and s’mores. After the beach, we went on a guided ghost walk where we learned about the history of St. John’s. During the walk, we learned about a baby getting burned by its own mother, and as the guide told us the story the lights kept flickering. After the walk we drove back to the Guide Centre and went to bed.


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